☑Plots of land behind Green spring Schools, Awoyaya…4 – 6million ☑Plots of Land behind Mayfair Gardens Estate…3 – 5million
☑Bungalow on a full plot of land with a mini flat and a self contain at Awoyaya…10million asking
☑ Plot of land with a bungalow facing express at Eputu….25million
☑ 2bedroom bungalow on a 2plots of land at Eputu…15million
☑2nos uncompleted 3bedroom bungalow, built and roofed at Lakowe….13million asking
☑ Bungalow on a plot of land with 2bedroom detached bungalow, 2nos mini flat and 2nos room self con at Lakowe….15million asking
☑ Plots of land on Golf road, Lakowe…6 – 8million
☑8 plots of land at Bogije facing express…35m p/p
☑Bungalow on a half plot with 2bedroom and 2no mini flat at Imaletalafia, Bogije….10million
☑Plots of land at Alahun Village, Shapati…3 – 4million For enquiries and inspections:
☎Asgaf Realtors
08065329702, 08114966860